Tuesday, January 28, 2014

Blog 2: Babies and Music

The article Link: Infants & Toddlers talks about how we can communicate with babies through music. Almost everybody knows that music can make babies sleepy after a period of time, but music can do more than that. Music can help babies learn their language easier. Even though the baby might not understand what you are saying at first. I found this very interesting to read. I did not know music can actually help the babies ability to learn the language. By reading this article and made me think for a second, that maybe we can communicate with babies through music. In the video above, a mother is singing to her 10 month baby girl. While the baby is listening to her mother, the baby is getting emotional. You can see the baby is communicating with the music, emotionally, beucase her eyes are getting watery and she is smiling. Also, it does make me want to try an experiment with my three year old brother, and see how this works. Knowing that music can expand and help babies language, maybe we can be have a successful life. 

1 comment:

  1. It is really nice, how we can transmit something to a baby using the music. It is said that music is the universal language.
